Saturday, June 22, 2019

Our Puppy

Pluto, Jupiter, Coco, Cosmos
Buddy, Bingo, Lucky, Max
Pebble , Bone , Fluffy, Rocky
So many names for you-Puppy

Boing Boing - sky high Jumping
Going around - rough & tough romping
Rolly-Polly tumbling huddle
Hop over pillow and blanket castles

Chasing around his own little tail
Chewing our very important mail
Go fetch ball , play tag or frisbee
Thanks to you -we are active & busy

Come over here my cute little puppy
You are so tired - with eyes going droopy
 A puppy snooze- a mini nap
Already ready for one more lap

So much mess- mischievous chase
Kids are happy - no one rests
Love you puppy- hugs and kisses
So cute - so cuddly -  Puppy you are the best


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Disagreement with parents

Moral of the story: There is no correct way.
I have seen in years that my thoughts and my opinions have evolved. I am different person with different opinions from my parents. It was starkly clear we differ on lot of things and this feeling does not bring any joy. However, I know that my parents intentions behind any advice is always about my own well being and growth. However, sometimes we do have different views. Recently, my mom and dad were not comfortable with the topics that I chose to write a children’s book. Given those topics were gross , I admit  - well the kids poem book is about boogers, spit bubbles and farts- the subjects that we didn’t talk about in our childhood. At present though, my six years old boy find these subjects amusing and hilarious and I am cool with that. Well, in such cases as these, one thing you really strive for is parental approval. Why didn’t my parents approve of my book? They certainly would have preferred book about “ morality”.  And then, why there approval is so essential for me. Why did I have to go in length to explain them that it’s OK to make fun of these subjects. I have, very blatantly said to my mom that if she can not approve then  she doesn’t care for me. How rude of me to say that. Actually, she is my mom - my closest buddy. Her honest opinions matter to me. The problem that I was facing is to make her convince that I am right. The fact is there is no right or wrong here. We just have different opinions. And that’s that. The importance of having the freedom and flexibility to express them in relationship makes the relationship precious. And I need to understand that. Me and mom differ in lot of aspects in life. She had done her own struggles and had built her opinions based on her experiences and me on the other hand had my own share of good and bad and I have chosen a little different path. Sometimes we will agree and sometimes we won’t.
Here is the fun thing that happened recently. My six year old told me that he knows I don’t love him anymore because I was not letting him watch his favorite TV serial. He was trying to convince me with his own cute ways how very important it is for him to watch it. Well as you guessed it right he went in to this tantrum phase and then moved on to playing something else and totally cuddled me later when we were talking about puppies. Frankly I felt I was like that six year old when I had disagreement with my parents. I was totally throwing a fit.
At present my kids are small and their lives  revolves around small things. When they will grow up they will have different views. If we disagree, I may feel I am right and my kids may feel they are. My job would be to give my honest opinion and letting them choose their own way.  And if they fail- well,  they will learn. If , it turns out that they choose right even if I advice against it- I will learn. Having the flexibility and understanding that I can be wrong too would make the whole thing easy. The most important thing for all of us as a family  would be having that safe place to express our true  opinions with all the guards down. Keeping ourselves open for critic and at the same time not stretching strings too much would make home a comfortable nest. Being there even in uncertainty is most important. Isn't that what family is all about.
Love you Aai- Baba😘

It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...