Friday, August 13, 2021


I am for joy

I am for support

I am for learning

I am for letting go

I am long term

I am just for a while

I am abusive 

Just not right

I am experiential 

As it is

I am for togetherness 

To support in need

I am for give

I am for take

I am more balanced

As that’s all it takes

I am under pressure

Ready to be free

I am like a mirror

To show authentically 

I am just pure luck

Free will makes beautiful tweet

I am here with no judgement 

Unconditional love makes it sweet

- praj101

Thursday, August 12, 2021


Plucking all the weeds from the garden this morning 
A sudden realizations came in sight
A little-big insecurities within and beyond
Those molds so old withholding my pride
An edge becomes rough and I become tough
And hot lava comes from somewhere inside
Drama comes with a trauma out of step
Still put the best foot forward says the tribe
Expectations hold like weeds stopping wheels 
Growth comes to halt as friction slowly grows
Some of these traits I hire from past
Ancestral DNA and experiences that lasts
Paternal and maternal patterns come in play
Societal etiquettes help to mold me this way
Friends do vibe and resonance develop
Yet most are vibrating at the same frequency as mine
So here I release all that is not serving
To be free from weeds that are holding me tight
I release one by one those over scrupulous dramas 
I release those ancestral patterns and karmas
All that is not what is right and whole
I let go and I release some more
The strains of perfections I release them too
I release expectations that are not fit to grow
The lies and the chunks of moralities in them
I release those things with no authentic play
Suppression of voice- I release that too
I do my song with my own tune
I release and relax and feel so light
No friction inside to hold me back from my flight
I release to make space for what I feel is right
 I reconstruct myself to be whole with delight 
- praj101

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Shadow self

Sometimes I laugh when everyone is laughing

Or talk fast to chime with others

I hide my vulnerability with a guilt inside

And show interest  to appear attentive 

And that’s all pretending... I know for sure

But it just feels little safe at that moment

And so life goes on in a shadow

Without feeling all that great

What is your shadow self

Is it being that party joker 

To make sure no one knows

You have a side that is broken

Or is it being sarcastic and edgy

While inside you are very shy

And you want to appear strong and tough

As your soft self has made you cry

Or you acting real smart

Covering your weakness by being bold

Or do you act dumb just to blend in

So you can be with popular bunch

The light of pretense will drain energies 

It’s invigorating to be just you.. you know 

Feel all the good and bad of self

Removing shadow makes you complete so you can grow 


Tuesday, August 3, 2021


Got Fire in my gut

Got Air in my speech

Ready to take action and blaze

Like a gladiator machine

Tenacious Metal unique as me

Like a vessel with boundaries 

Earthy balanced I stay grounded

To connect to angels with such ease

With Water I cool and feel my depth 

A support comes from ancestors as I glance

Past and present holding hands

Heaven on earth this Elemental dance


It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...