Monday, February 28, 2022


 You asked me to come and I said yes

I said yes as that is what I am supposed to do 

And then we came and you showed excitement 

Yet a discomfort obligation was seeping through

I went home and called you in few days

And said you come over next Sunday

You said yes and I faked excitement 

As I was returning the favor as I was supposed to

This exchange of favors and Karmic entanglement 

Crazy cycle of obligation continued for  years

An exchange of favors, niceties and expectations  

I am sure it was boring thing equally for you 

Yet we engaged by societal pressure 

To attend those parties weekend after weekend

I wish I stayed home and read my books

You must have missed your creative times too

Such an energy no pleasing to me

And I am sure it was not pleasing to you as well

So let’s stop this waste of energetic exchange

As there are so many better things for both of us to do


Sunday, February 6, 2022

Lata Ji

Blessed by Roots
And so much grace
You came on earth
To transform music 
And with it 
To transform people
With your soulful voice 
And innate simplicity 

You reached to millions
Not just through your voice 
But also with your character 
That taught us 
How to live with purest intentions

I am sure
You won’t care for a bit 
For this formal glory 
At the end of your time
On earth here

Yet this outpouring of love
That your soul must have felt
Would bring hues of so many deeper connections 
You have made with us here 

With a service like this 
Lata Ji
I am sure 
You are resting In Peace! 


Tuesday, February 1, 2022


Like a pale decaying leaf

Swirling deep down 

With contemplative agony 

Holding so tight to ground

A sad and mad wind

And even shorter days

A comfort in disharmony 

With its odd whimsical ways 

I stay here for a while

Enjoying  this depressing comfort

A contemplative safety 

In a dry & a dark humor

And once I rest for a Day

Or Months or Years per say 

I grow a little warmer

From colder inner fire

Then blossoms a spring of hope

My soul is ready to explore 

So I sprung out of my shadows 

To reach towards my source

With a swirling swirls of joy

Friendlier hands holding me tight

I don’t even feel shy

In this happy & colorful sight

Yet in midst of these glorious 

Bright and light surroundings

I sense a loss of self

When I step out of my boundaries 

So now it’s time to hibernate

Rest is calling me out

I go back to my inner cave 

As darker just feels right 

This is how cycle circles

With no end in sight

I grow and regress some more 

In these cyclical times! 


It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...