Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Tidying Marathon

  I have been influenced in the past by lot of authors. I appreciate the way they have guided me with their inspiring thoughts..  But she is different.  She is like a fairy.. sprinkling "tidying"dust on me..A pixie who is spreading joy. She is someone who has galvanize me to make my life radiant. I cherish her. Her name is Marie Kondo. Author of two books- 'the life changing magic of tidying up' and 'spark joy'. I am reading and re-reading her books like an addict. Absorbing anything and everything that she has to say. I was already convinced about minimalism. But Marie showed me a positive way to minimize. A way where we find joy.  She is compelling me to  ask myself about how I feel regarding "things" and this has been self exploration in itself. I was trying minimization to reduce anxiety, reduce stress. But instead of subtracting negatives , Marie taught me how to add bliss. Her approach is positive. She does not teach aversion to material things but she teaches to focus on contentment and pleasure that things bring. De cluttering is still a major part of her exploration. But now I dream about adding - adding some color to my decor with flowers, adding aroma with essential oils, adding a feel with texture.  According to her, even simple act of arranging clothes can have visual appeal.  Simplicity in storage is her cornerstone. She has one mantra- "Does this thing brings you Joy?" - that's it. As per Marie, when we keep our home tidy, bring some order in our life and ask ourselves what brings us joy - our passions come out of the clutter and stand out. I am eager to see what it brings up for me. Therefore I am signing up for "Tidying Marathon". Its going to be my immersion in tidying everything  from clothes, books, kitchen utensils to  all the miscellaneous items and sentimental items. When? - Anytime that is available in my busy schedule -after work , on weekends.  I am confident that it will an enjoyable journey. A self exploration Journey. Am I ready? More than you think. - praj 101

1 comment:

It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...