Friday, February 1, 2019

Need to survive- Chapter 3

Neha was sitting gloomily in the corner of her rented apartment. It's been two months since she and Raj were separated. Not officially divorced yet as Raj was still helping Neha with financial and medical settlements. Neha thought with bitter resentment for self that She needed Raj's support to even settle the terms. Ironic and sad.  Certainly, Rohan had played biggest part in his Dad's involvement. She still remembered vividly everything that followed after Raj demanded the "split". Once the crying and cursing part was over, mostly by Neha,  a big silence had spread between them for next few days. She and Raj were quiet till Rohan came back from Austin  and then they broach the news to him.  Neha had re-run the scene in her mind so many times about this scenario. Rohan was her leverage. A self pity  made her feel hopeful. She thought, he will throw a fit. Maybe,  he will put out a threat to not to talk to Raj, forever. That gave her immense satisfaction. However, she was out of luck.  Rohan's upbringing in US had a lot to do with what followed. He had been part of society where divorce was an acceptable thing. Rohan was sad but not angry. He was sitting next to Neha while talking to his Dad calmly. " OK Dad! I understand you don't want to live with Mom. So I assume that there is someone else that you like." Raj said "No". He has said 'no' so many times to Neha. What a liar.. Neha murmured. There has to be other woman. That is given. But every time, Raj denied an affair made her even more depressed. He preferred to be by himself than to be with me? Why he hates me so much? That can not be right. We hardly fought. Well, that was not a complete truth. They had fights, multiple times. Who doesn't in twenty years of marriage? However, things never got out of control. Mostly, Neha would do talking and Raj would keep quiet. She would apologies to him later. And the fight would be over. Neha nudged Rohan while putting forth this point. Rohan looked at his dad and said patiently, "OK. I understand that you need space dad. Mom, you want to come and stay with me for a while?" He asked Neha gently. "Lets give Dad some space." Neha was not sure what to say. She felt Rohan's unending support. He was not her baby anymore. A toddler who would threw a tantrum. Rohan looked like a mature man. However, Raj was the one who didn't like this deal. He was good in getting what he wanted, always, Neha thought. " She can stay with you. I just want to finalize divorce," Raj insisted. "Well, Mom, you don't have to beg to Dad, you know. We can figure it out, together. One thing I want to make sure Dad that Mom has complete financial and medical support. You understand that yours is long term marriage, by that, I mean more than ten years. Whatever you own, half of it is mom's."  This has taken Neha by surprise. First of all, who told Rohan such a detail about divorse and is that even possible?  She never worked in her life and therefore claiming anything sounded inappropriate. "Rohan, I can .." Rohan raised her hand and Neha understood that he has taken charge now. She looked at Raj. Rohan's behaviour was not so much different than his father's. Raj had always been in-charge. Honestly, she was OK to be a follower. She always trusted Raj. Today though, he was not in-charge. Rohan was. That made her feel better. She was proud of her son. Rohan can stand up to his father. He was there for her. Rohan should become a lawyer. A thought of her son's possible career choice came in her mind, a typical Indian parent as she was. That made her smile.  Raj agreed to Rohan's request which was a significant  demand. Neha looked at Raj. A relief was spread across his face. Maybe, money was not as big of issue for him as much as getting away from her.  That spread a chill inside her.  A deal, a negotiable deal, was finalized. Neha decided to stay in Houston and rent an apartment. It felt like a  logical decision, of course.  The one, where she can be close to her friends and moreover,  close to Raj. There was a hope that he will understand his mistake and  he will come back to her. Will he beg to her? To take her back. That almost felt like a romantic english drama. That won't happen, she was sure.  Mostly, she will beg. She will beg to him to take her back. That was two months back. Unfortunately nothing has worked. Its been two months now and she was still alone. Desperate and alone. praj101

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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...