Thursday, March 7, 2019

30 Day weight Loss Challenge

Its a new day today! What a cliche.... I am on a diet!  Another Cliche.
My "weight loss" has always been that keen speck of a thorn  stuck to my butt. I am little less frantic now and little more life style change oriented. My weight was steady around 148 lbs for 5-6 months at a stretch. But during "eating season" aka holidays the weight jumped back up by 7 lbs and my today's weight is 154.3 lbs. Again, self sabotaging talk has spurred up in my mind. I am not someone, however, who would sit quietly and say "I am good- my weight is good". I want to be self-compassionate but at the same time not-lets say- Stupid. A positive talk with no action is in my books stupid. I know the tools. I am going to use them diligently. My friends inspired me to go on this 30 day journey....basically eat lots of vegetables and fruits and lean protein and healthy fats.
I am going to tweak it a little to figure out what works for me and go accordingly.
Here are going to be steps for next 30 days.
1. Sleep Sleep Sleep. At least 7 hours of sleep. Everyday. If I wont get a good night sleep in one go then I am planning to take mini naps.
2. Two 5 mins each of meditation sessions. One in the morning and one before sleep. Just focusing on breath. I can take small rest sessions throughout the day.
3. Eat only 3-4 meals a day. Nothing after 6 PM and try to keep at least 14 and ideally 16 hours of gap in between. Basically do intermittent fasting-daily. So far, this has worked with me good. I feel energized and happy with this. My stomach likes to rest.
4. Read a book/ listen to a book. I know I crave for knowledge. Books feed that part for me. Unfortunately, I am big fan of mystery, crime, thriller novels. That is not a good idea as it is hard for me to stay in this non-fiction world then. I may binge eat too being zoned out. So only non-fiction books for these thirty days.
5. Write if able. Blogs-poems - whatever my heart desires. No forcing myself though. As  I know if I get too involved in my writing process then things may go southwards with weight loss journey. Keeping a daily journal should suffice.
6. Do exercises on a go. Ideally, would love to do my Hath Yoga sequence everyday. But that's an hour commitment. That may be hard for me. Instead, I will try my best. Doing weight training with patients is totally doable. Fortunately, my job requires me to be on my feet. A great place. Getting 10,000 steps daily is possible. Also speed walking or small run or step aerobics for 5-10 mins sessions is good. I need to be careful though as I know too much aerobic activity makes me feel dull later and that is never a goal.
7. One thing I need to do is stack up my pantry and fridge with all the healthy options. And make a conscious effort to not buy  anything unhealthy. On weekends and when days allow, cook 4- 5 vegetables / usals and put them  in freezer to compensate for  my busy days. This will allow me to rest after work and also, to sneak in exercise routine by giving extra time when needed.
8. Massage with essential oils. Nice deep nourishing self massage is so helpful and invigorating. Again, this is something that should be priority to drain my lymphatic system.
9. Eat lots of healthy fats, vegetables. I don't want to go crazy on fruits though. I will eat grapefruits and berries.
10. Stay away from dark chocolate. This is an addiction. I eat 85% dark chocolate but still...I eat it daily. This is my go to snack that I love to indulge in. But need to stop that indulgence as it is affecting my sleep. If I eat dark chocolate- I need to make sure that I eat it before 12 PM.
11. Life happens. Bad things can happen. Be prepare for change and try to do my best. This is something of a lifestyle change that I am trying to do.
12. Play with kids- some active games. Again easy way to burn calories and having an awesome time with kiddos at the same time.
13. Water. Lots of water. At least 12 glasses. But I will add lemon and occasionally little dash of salt into it. I don't want to dehydrate --period! Salt retains water if one goes crazy on it. But in this kind of weight loss journey-salt is essential nutrient. Hyponatremia is bad.
14. Talk to my Mom and keep her posted. Also I am going to tell my friend about my weight loss progress. I work on accountability. This is just my personality. If I tell.. I will stick to it.
15. Limit grains, no junk food and no added sugar...period.
16. Foods to eat: eggs, avocados, ghee, coconut oil, lots and lots of steam veggies , raw veggies and lentils. Nuts and occasional dark chocolate.
17. Will take supplements too including daily multi vitamins., omega 3 and Vitamin D. These are must.
18. I am not big fan of milk. I like to eat cheese occasionally and occasionally Greek yogurt. But again I am not fan of dairy. Instead simple homemade and mostly raw/steam food will be good .
19. Relax- even when I gain a ld or so. I am planning to weigh myself once every weekend. But with my personality- I may end up weighing myself daily.  I am not saying if I won't have a bad day. Imp. thing is to get back on to rhythm. That's why I want to be in charge of my emotions. That comes back to meditation. Also, I need to learn to say "No". Weekends are the worst. When you have to attend  parties. I want to conjure courage to say " no" to party food in next 30 days. Even if it is homemade healthy option. Stay with diet for 30 days and then occasional slack of one meal on parties should be OK. But again not for next 30 days. Just Say " No". People will understand.
20. Most imp. thing for me in this weight loss journey is to de-clutter. De-clutter on the go. Clothes, pantry ...any material thing that is not needed needs to go...bye bye. I truly believe that de-cluttering helps to loose weight. Besides its my passion to organize, tidying up.
One thing that I have understood recently is weight loss is not a punishment. Eating healthy gives me lots of energy. My mind feels clear and my energy levels are high. My mood is steady. I don't feel tired or sick. I feel energetic. At present, my own weight loss is going to be my laser focus for next 30 days. I am looking forward to this journey. Do you want to join in?  - praj101

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