Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Honey - what if...

Hi Honey, ,
This is a blog specially written  to convince you something that I want. Maybe as a gift. Not a diamond ring - I don’t care for it much. There is another way you can pamper me though. Can you please get me solar panels. I heard about these  solar energy subsidies in NC and associated advantages .  I am not going to get into calculations about what will be it’s installation fee and how much we have to spend. That’s where I have you. Here is what I think.
1.  What if we get these solar energy panels on top of our house roof. And then approximately in next three to four years our installation cost will be recovered. I understand that not all days are sunny days but I want to be little more optimistic here.  Meanwhile , if we produce enough energy, we can even sell it back to energy provider and may get some added benefits. Will check with my friends who are already on this path and can ask for their experience.
2. As we are recovering energy cost and possibly reducing carbon footprint  - in next few years- as electric car technology gets more advance - we can buy a new hybrid car or total electric car  for me. With not an expensive label like Tesla of course. I bet even Honda’s and Toyota’s will have their affordable yet awesome versions. Now , with those solar panels producing all that electric energy - my car will be charged for free at home. No expense of gas and no carbon footprint. You may like one of these too.
3. Also, how about one more thing to add in this green agenda. Planting  lot of trees around home- maybe one tree each year. If things do get crowded around home due to outdoor trees then we can get HOA permission to plant maybe even one tree per year around community. I love evergreens- Magnolia being my favorite. Really any tree can enhance the beauty and serenity of surroundings.I know we have lot of indoor plants already and it just feels good. Actually, I am writing this blog sitting next to them. How about we can add one indoor plant each year too. A little indoor plant nursery. The microbiome of soil and plant itself can counteract  allergen  and gives us fresh dose of O2 while filtering all the hazardous chemicals .  NASA has already done a generous research on it. Some of these indoor plants even emit O2 at night. No wonder our home has a fresh feel.
4. I am already working on minimalism- reducing material clutter that adds so much pollution inside home. Less is better. Also keeping  only those things that give “Joy”and plants do give a whole lot of that- do align with my minimalist world.
I know you would say I can do all that and I don’t really need your permission per say. Still, It will be nice to have your backing -we can do this as family. Involving kids of course. I feel just recycling and  turning off lights even if important may not be enough. We have knowledge and resources to make a change. A small change that can have big impact. How about involve friends and family too. Maybe even have a “healthy green competition” between friends and earn bragging rights- for right reason.
Well just an idea. What do you think?
Here is my Dream - achievable one-  let’s start with carbon negative home, then  community and then possibly town and who knows maybe one day- even whole country- just like Bhutan. Now that is something to live for.
As always love you

1 comment:

It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...