Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Two things happened coincidentally:
1. I am reading a book called “Seat of the soul”  by Gary Zukav. Excellent book that connects the dots between quantum physics to spirituality.
2. One of my patients after her physical therapy treatment held my hands and said “ will you pray for me”.
Being born and brought up in India and being part of Indian culture we do touch elders feet, bow to the God’s statues and some of us do fasting for welfare of ourselves and our loved ones. All this was part of the culture and apart from fasting I was able to do everything without any forethought regarding why we do it. Besides, these ancient practices has that feel good and grounded component.
However, being secular , I was always skeptical about religious dogma. I.e. If you do this - which you should- and then this good will happen. If you don’t do this- bad things will happen etc. I personally feel that these are limiting beliefs that limit our true human potential. Oh.. sorry for digressing but the point that I am trying to make is I won’t follow anything unless it has scientific and logical backing.
In the book, Gary explains that all the matter is in itself energy field as per quantum physics theory. We are made of atoms- which if further analyzed are energy fields. So when I pray for my patient- which I did - it will send these positive signals like energy waves for her well being in this energy universe. As a physical therapist , I do want to stick with my PT scope of practice. Therapy when administered- I  do follow scientifically proven ways.  Also, Our PT goal is always healing patients and allowing them to regain their functional movement . But how great it would be to add this extra layer of intense best wishes/ prayers for well being- focusing completely on patients suffering and intently wishing that he or she will be healed. Looking at the patient as a mind- body complex. Sending this healing signal in the universe. .  Will then the energy circuits start rolling and the universe starts aligning for his or her well being?  I don’t know. Funny part is that that me- a very practical and result oriented therapist- is thinking  about doing this and it does not feel awkward and outwardly. It feels rational- and it feels good to wish good.
Thanks Gary... your book is a delightful and insightful  read.

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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...