Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Lucid Dreaming

Here is the recent dream I had. Silly really. ‘I wanted to find a restroom- but the toilet is missing and so I rushed in the bus which do not stop on the stop..and then I was trying to climb steps with no end on sight’ - and suddenly I woke up from my terrible frustating dream to find out I had to pee-- in real this time. not a bad dream hmm .... my subconscious trying to nudge me to take an action.Which I must.
In my above dream though I was not in control- I was not directing my dream and everything was a free fall.

Now have you heard about Lucid dream? In such dreams you are aware that you are dreaming and still you want to be part of it, directing the dream, its characters, its content- to get the outcome that in a way you want. I remember few times in my life that this has happened where I am dreaming and just like watching movie-I want to know what happens next.
Are these dreams helpful? -I think yes.There is a lot of research going on in this field. I believe this Lucid dream state is our subconscious trying to guide us , solve our current problems may be with some creative solutions. well, I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist or sleep Dr. to give any official advice here nor do I have capacity and training to analyze anyone's dreams. However I am all for this fun and interesting experiment.

 I want to analyze my own dreams if I can. The problem is- I don't remember any of my dreams. Well, I will take that back. I had occasional dreams that I vivdly remember e.g. one about missing chemistry exam and another one is me trying to reach to some essential destination but can't due to varied impossible reasons. I have woke up couple of times hearing someone is calling me and this started after having kids- so that may be side effect of having kids. However, I am never incharge of my dreaming. I don't even remember if dreams are black and white or colored and if I talk in English, Marathi or any other language. Lot of my dreams are not about current events or people in my life but mostly about childhood and I remember seeing my childhood home occasionally.
Anyways, I am very happy that I tend to get good night sleep and do not have nightmares. At the same time, may be there is lot of subconscious meaning, help etc that I am missing that can help me to guide me in this journey.

So here is what my plan is. I am planning to rememeber my dreams. Atleast thats my intension.
the steps that I am willing to take are:
1. Set an intension before sleeping - Me and kids do meditation called body scan almost every day. It helps me sleep quickly. Before sleeping - I may want to call my spirit guide/ my God and say something like: guide me to be part of my dream and to find my subconscious. So far I am going to keep it simple.
2. Keep a dream journal- This I came across in some of the psychology books in the past. I may document or record parts of the dream right after I wake up. Occasionally , I had woke up in the middle of the night knowing about what I am dreaming to fall back in sleep agaiin and having no clue next day about what I dreamt. So recording my memories on phone sounds like a good solution. ( as long as I dont wake up my husband ).
3. Practice atleast 10 min Vipasana meditation. It teaches us to look at things objectively- from a distance. I love it as it has calmed my anxious nature and has taught me to keep a distance from my emotions when warrented.
4. Maybe tapping my nose, or pinching myself gently- This may allow me to recognise at night that I am at dream state. If I do this few times in and reminding myself this is real time- then at night hopefully my frontal lobe will give me some cue. Something for me to differentiate. Remember Leonardo Decaprio's movie "Inception" and the top that kept spinning at the end... ending of the movie drove me at curiosity edge.
5. Another thing in my toolbox is essential oils such as lavender, ying yang oil or any other nice soothing one.

My current aim is very simple- to remember dreams. What do I see in them? people? Animals? what I wear? what is location? Do I know someone in my dream? What color is dream and what language if any I speak? If I can remeber any part of it - I would say awesome.

If the whole experiment makes me loose my sleep though I am going to back off. There can be various reasons for that- maybe my inner conflicts, maybe something that I don't want to analyse comes up- etc. then I may need a speacialist to help me. Its always good to analyse this and past lives(?) conflicts/ problems in this life time to get better brighter self- or so I believe- but with proper guidance for sure.
However, if my dreams are awesome with rainbows and fairies, or good moments with my old friends or if it shows me something that I am searching for then hey why not... I am all up for that.
Praj 101

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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...