Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My intersting Hypnosis experience

Here is how this hypnosis curiosity started. But before that here is why I did explore hypnosis in the first place.

1. I am a Physical Therapist with pain management as a niche. Myofascial release accompanied by hypnosis may give good outcomes - if I decide to do hypnotherapy certification in the future.

2. I am a lifetime learner and things that look relevant I explore. I am always interested in occult science. Therefore, when I came across articles and books by psychiatrist about hypnosis and its ability in helping patients with pain - I decided to dig further.

3. Given that I am stuck in home with this covid 19 situation - I have lot of time.

This unexpected journey made me read books related to hypnosis. Once I convinced that something is in it-I wanted to try.

Youtube was a great resourse and I did few hypnotic sessions online for deep relaxation at night. Frankly, I was awake first few times and very conscious with all this process. So I don't think it worked on me. The whole point of hypnosis is to quiet down and reach into our subconsious level. Anyways, I don't think I was able to relax completely for first few sessions- being my frontal lobe was trying to grasp everything.

Somehow, in some of these sessions -this hypnotic guide said something about "spirit guide". Some entity in higher relam that guides us and helps us to find our life's purpose- make us understand why we are born and what we need to accomplish/learn in this lifetime. Though I was skeptical- yet I was curious. So I decided to give it a go.

So this morning I decided to try this hypnosis that will bring me closer to my "spirit guide". I am big into two things -one is " Buddha and his psychology and another is Ganapti Bappa". I am not big into "Puja-archa " and other typical Indian rituals. So my analytical mind said most likely my spirit guide/spirit master would be one of these two. If not these, it may be my grandpa who was very sweet. If it would be an animal, I was bating on deer or bunny. As you can see my agenda was clear.

In the past , when I tried hypnosis , once this spirit master part came in play- I had feeling that my spirit master would be "goddess”as something similar image came in my mind -but I was skeptical. I never did anything particular as fasting etc. for any Goddess. But who knows.

This morning- I decided to keep my mind open for whatever comes in front of me and decided to try my best to not be analytical as that is a big no-no for getting into hypnotic state.

Ok - so I decided to try this hypnosis- "Hypnosis for meeting your spirit guide and remembering your life purpose"- by bluesky hypnosis. I was completely awake in the process ( with eyes shut) though tried my best not to analyse everthing whatever that was coming in my mind.

After basic hypnotic directions about being relaxed and couting from 10 to 1 with reaching deeper relaxation- the guide took me to this forest path and then told me  that there is someone sitting near a bon fire and that is my spirit guide. Surprisingly, a very old woman came in my mind. She looked so old almost 100+ with tree branch in her hand. A bright old woman . I don't remember her face honestly. I felt relaxed and she felt kind. Honestly, I tried to bring picture of Goddess, Buddh and lord Ganesha in my mind but she kept coming back and finally I let go.

I wanted to see her face clearly so I beliefe I let go of his instructions and tried to focus on her facial features( frontal lob activation) seeing if she resembles someone that I know but nothing came in my mind. The guide told me to ask her what's my life's purpose. I don't think she said anything. Then I think I started making things up. Maybe she is old lady and since I have worked with lot of old patient's and I truly have enjoyed doing that then maybe thats my purpose. To give physical therapy to old people. It didnt feel to the point but I was not getting any clear thoughts. By this time Hypnotic guide was asking what comes in your mind that has given joy to you and what has not. Unfortunately I was not able to relax and my frontal lobe was activated again. I was thinking too many things. I was thinking too much - extrapolating and I think my spirit guide faded. Finally hypnotic coach said , ask your spirit guide to give you a some gift. I thought this is very interesting. I brought this old sweet woman back in my focus. I became humble and not so judgemental/analytic towards all this experience. Honestly, I thought she will give me book as I am so much into reading. But somehow first thing came in my subconscious was "gold"... Big surprise.. I am not into Jwellery at all and want to be minimalist.. so still trying to be humble I thanked and said what I should do with this and suddenly gold necklace came in my mind. WOW... that was something. I definetely don't have much gold and frankly I don't enjoy wearing it much. Besides even if its good strategy to tell my husband to buy gold necklace for me -its not going to fly much. Besides I don't think I will buy gold necklace for myself. Believe me I can spend lot of money and have spended that on "solar panels" , "rotimatic" but gold.. I don't think so. This was super surprising. One more thing happen though. I was thinking that there is some kind of Goddess looking at us from above. Open hair, big kunku on her forehead, beautiful big eyes...almost like Goddess Durga. Anyways this was the most surprisng and intriguing experience of all times. Later this hypnotic guide ended hypnosis.

Later I did some self reflection .
During my self reflection- one thing definetely came in my mind. I am immensely grateful for having great parents who were able to provide me with love, food, shelter and education . My mom being my closest buddy I am ever grateful for all her sacrifies. I also  feel fortunate to marry my husband who has loved me and was able to provide all our family needs. My education has helped me to earn my livelyhood that has a noble cause . So all of this feels like having a blessing of a goddess herself equal or even more precious than any gold. And I am immensely grateful for that.

However, I was still not able to connect the purpose of my life to Goddess or that old yet very bright lady. And suddenly , somehow may be subconsciously one thing came vivdly in front of my mind. I am a feminist. When I see any injustice against a woman -I feel angry. I do not enjoy gossiping about other women and especially hate pulling other woman down. I want to support and bring woman kind together and upward. Honestly, I have had few experiences where I did gossip about someone but it has always and I mean always has left a bad taste in my mouth. Whenever , someone has stated I am weak, I cannot achieve something just because I am woman, when someone has tried to define me in gender specific roles , when someone has tried to downplay me or has treated me as a throw rug- it has hurted me immensely and I have always kept a safe distance from such person or has expressed my opinions. Someone may say- why are you not comfortable with who you are as a woman and you don't have to prove anything to anyone. That's what a psychologist would say. Buddha is all about compassion. However, all my peace goes out when anyone degrades woman. I can't help it.

Well, I am not sure if that "spirit guide" has yet showed me my life's purpose, but I know one thing for sure- I have Goddess backing on this woman equality thing- or atleast I would assume so unless proven otherwise.  I am going to do few more self hypnotic exeperiences and may learn hypnotherapy in future. Going to experienced certified hypnotherapist for finding my own subconscious is worth as well. However, todays experience was immensely interesting, unexpected and eye opening for sure. Jai Mata Di!


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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...