Monday, August 3, 2020

Independence- Survive or Thrive

The true Independence of my nation 
Is the 'independence' from really what? 
Just from some other country on map
Or there is more meaning to that

Soldiers have kept us safe 
But is our goal is to just survive? 
So tell me what kind of country
Will you like to build- to thrive

A country that I like to grow in
Is a place with mission to prosper
Compassionate and courageous
‘Independent- one nation’

In my vision of this nation
Women have equal rights to progress 
Live without fear of rape or abuse
They can express without judgement 
People with physical and mental challenges 
Are given love and care they deserve
Here they are essential  part of society 
With their own vision and purpose 

Where poor have path to reach higher goals
In this beautiful ‘nation of Just’
Avenue of progress is not resisted 
Instead uplifted to meet what is must

Where each and every individual of this homeland
Is not treated differently by color of their skin
Neither by their standard of some materialistic living 
Nor by their racial nor religious creed

Environment is given top priority 
More than any capitalistic agenda
'Polluting' is treated as an offense 
'Clean and Green' is a new mantra

Where expression of thoughts and honest opinions 
Are welcomed from all - no exception
A free speech and journalism is boasted 
To keep accountability of those in power 

In this strong society of ours
Well being is based on nutrition and exercise 
Mental health is discussed with no taboo
And unhealthy corporate greed is set aside

Weak are supported by focusing on their strengths
Where humor is cherished and art is well paid
Communities thrive with a kind connection
A Wholesome mixture of science and faith

That’s the country worth living in
What do you say? Let's build it from within
Working to strive something better than just OK
As independence is precious but never free 


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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...