Saturday, February 27, 2021

Nature and its musical notes

 I curiously notice nature and its musical notes. Each one has its own quality that brings emotions in me. My most favorite is birds melodious musical sounds... especially in the morning. They bring such a joy. Almost like a harmonious chorus, each singing in specific notes - maybe CG/DB/ AC' and so on. Except when of course those birds are in distress. Then its a harsh, squeaky sound or shriek. I always feel worried after hearing them unhappy. I think those are releasing notes -bringing  unease in me. 

Rain and its rhythmic tapping sound has a special meaning as well. Such steady rain makes me relax and cozy. Just sitting next to the window is enough. The water element makes me philosophical and creative. That's when most of my poetry happens I think. A deep and smooth flow of emotions. Sometimes its so relaxing that a good nap will follow. Yet, when its thunderstorm, I cant sleep. Its unnerving. The sound notes are uneven, harsh and have emotional releasing quality.  A good body shake will do the magic to release all those hidden subconscious emotions but I become stiff.. holding everything inside.  

Ocean sounds have a mixed effect on my mind. Sometimes -especially in the mornings they are energizing.  I feel E sound note here calling for me to stand up and take action.  A lot of motivating thoughts come in my mind. And sometimes in the evening they bring turbulance.  Ocean fronts should hold seminars for motivational speakers. I think that's a great venue. I envy people who can just sit or sleep  and relax on the beach. I cannot do that. I have to move. Unless its cool touch of ocean water which has more deeper elements. Then I can just stand and observe.

In the tobacco trail hiking tracks  I love the majestic A note of trees. Tall , magnificent greenery brings one close to spiritual wisdom. High arching pathways with greeneries on both sides gives a sense of knowledge. These natural greens shows how vibrant colors can be with ten shades of one color sitting next to each other. A colorful symphony -both melodious and enchanting.  Nature is the greatest artist.. A and F sound notes come in mind. A  color of heart energy, fourth chakra. God has given us so much . A sense of gratefulness fills the heart. 

I always love to vacation in mountains. Its more of B note energy. A crown chakra on full display. No wonder all Yogis want to go on mountaintops and meditate. It has peace and harmony. A sense of equilibrium. The freshest of the air with aroma of purity, descending white clouds and ascending tall tress. A mix of bird sounds with shades of greens, and all kinds of flowery hues mixed in shrubbery. Mountains are heavens on earth. My love for them is eternal and they love me back with equal measure. 

The most accessible, earthy, creative and lots of heart energy place is parks. Rustle of leaves with lots of flowers and butterflies.. birds singing and kids playing... waterfall gently streaming next to this beauty, parks are the best gift cities can offer.  It has all notes to offer. Benches to rest with green lush lawns is a C note. A poetic creative pathway with bunch of flowery patcvhes and small bushes - totally D note. Kids small play parks are all about sweet yet tender E note. Lovers holding each others hand siting next to fountain or a mother strolling a kid on a pathway is F note with heart energy. A park area displays sports such as basketball, soccer showcasing E and F notes of competitiveness and yet teamwork.  A gaggle of kids playing, flying kites or a chorus singing in musical concerts is a G note and all this combined with harmonious nature all around is definitely A note. Elderly observing calmly the display of all the sounds and colors and sensations with monk like equilibrium is definitely B note. I think each city should have lots and lots of gardens/parks. A meticulously cultivated area for children's play, a forest path with encouraging exercising trails , nature, kids, flowers , birds - such a beautiful and affordable thing for all citizens to enjoy.  

However, to hear all this harmony -midfullness is the key. I may loose all this heaven in a heartbeat if I am busy taking pictures, chit-chatting with friends and family and just not being present. Honestly, If I am in the zone of achieving something/or doing something...planning some kind of future or thinking about past( which most of the times I am doing) , if there is no silence and peace in mind with rushing of thoughts... the most harmonious places become dissonant as I bring my dissonant energy in the mix. However, if I am resonant, a now and present in the moment,  being mindful, then even a simple yet quiet evening walk in the neighborhood  is good dose of this sound and color therapy.


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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...