Thursday, March 25, 2021

Guides and Angels

 A tickle in the ear

A shiver on my back

Lavender in the air

What the heck was that

As I bring intention 

To my highest wellbeing

A guide or an angel 

Come to bright up things

A phone's sudden light

Or a whisper of a wind

A chirping bird on branch

Am I imagining things 

A heart felt with content 

And compassionate calm 

A smile on my face

And what’s all is that

Why don’t you give a try

With an intent in your heart 

Call on your Angels 

And that’s all is that


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Discomfort and Anew

I was fortunate enough to hear my sound therapy recording after a session. It definitely received much of my own criticism. I love and know that in-person sound therapy session is a total bliss for me. I get to enjoy each and every vibration and literally bathe in notes and overtones. Somehow I expected something similar ( though not the exact extent) on online session. However, when I heard it, my jaw dropped. I could myself point out so many of my own technical mistakes. This online session recording was an eye opener.  My friends were loving and kind and for them the experience was much better. As one of my friends said, we are indeed our worst critics.  However, I am aware of my Type A personality and my not so great habit to strive for  perfection. Funny, how I tell and try to incorporate letting Go and unconditionally loving in my sessions but when actual life situation arise its not easy. 
However, one major shift that I noted in this self-analysis is that with my recent optimistic positive attitude ( I dare say) , I found humor in the whole thing. I remembered my Mom kind of hinting me in a same way. I feel my enthusiasm has increased to make this online sound therapy experiment not only palpable but also enjoyable. I treat sound therapy as an art and being in creative process itself is where I find joy. I think personally its the awareness and realization of my mistakes during session and ability to take action to improve and achieve desired outcome matches my wood element personality.  I think this process of  learning is what gives me joy. This is the "dissonance" in life that is so essential. A discomfort feeling- a feeling of something that is not right. Through this discomfort and challenges, I learn. I feel these discomforts are designed as a growth tool and I embrace these discomforts in there totality.

Monday, March 15, 2021


 He shines with glory  -a history in making

Yet I am feeling this humble unease

A smart and intelligent species

I am sure he will make right decisions

He must be nice and considerate of others

Yet here I am in just few years 

I am irritated with his ignorance

I know he need to change and I need to be nice

After all he is my own child

And few years passed and its clear to me

An occasional selfishness is now a constant beat

If I don't change and make him pay

What will all my other children say

Hey human you and your constant greed

A swirl of judgement and a negative feed

Competition with each others and own insecurities

And you hoard and hoard few more things

The plastic in my rivers, and chemicals in my water

And cutting trees for mansions and constant animal slaughter

and you are responsible for extinction of species

Those are also my children- and you forgot this

Your wild wars for power and killing your own life

Oh human, when you are going to do things right

So you pay now with wildfires and unknown viruses

And floods and diseases and more and  more crisis

Its  Karma in action as your mother cries

A dissonance you created will break your might


Saturday, March 6, 2021

Emotional Health

 When one is emotionally balanced, they feel all ranges of emotions from heart wrenching sadness to heart lifting laughter. The gift is the ability to come back to balanced neutral mindset. That’s the beauty of equilibrium. Equilibrium is not a static one state... it’s a continuous easy flow state. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


Heart has rhythm

Respiration has rhythm 

Cerebrospinal Fluid has Rhythm

Our voice has its own unique rhythm 

All fluid and in harmony when we are in balance

Does our DNA has rhythm.. made up of strands of ancestral history

Some may call it as a Karma or incarnation

And someone may say a genetic expression

Each collective emotion expressed in a vibrational pattern

Is that what determines our own emotional health to some extent 

When there is no environmental cause that can otherwise explain 

Do we feel we carry forward our ancestral vibes

Are your and your past generations emotional patterns alike

Then, Can we tune in back these vibrational imbalances if they exist

With meditation, healing sounds and cautious breathing

To carry forward strength, not weakness in these waves

As a Compassionate, vibrant and  content beings 

To carry this ancestral river forward with even flow

So our next and next to next generations

Will enjoy a beautiful rhythm of their own  



It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...