Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Soul story 3

 … 3 lifetimes back… She loved him. He loved her. It was an eternal love. They decided somewhere in that lifetime that “no matter what happens -we will always be together”. In this life , in next life -in each and every life. 

… 2 lifetimes back: she had hard time finding husband. If she find someone, she may date him for a while and then leave him. He was unfortunately not born. And he and she had a contract. 

… 1 lifetime back: he entered marriage as a bargain. Just to show society that he did what society was expecting. He never loved his wife. He treated her fairly. They even had kids. But he always felt lost. Searching for something.. some eternal happiness. She was unfortunately not born. And he and she had a contract. 

… this lifetime: finally they found each other. So passionately in love. They dated and then got married. They both were over the moon. But as years passed they realized this is not the person they loved. In past two lifetimes lot had happened. Lot has changed. Their personalities are not the same. They brought their baggage of “ Karma” and there was no way out. 

-  be careful what you wish for. Loving someone to the moon and back is great. Just don’t tie up your soul with another. Free will is what we are here to experience. 


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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...