Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Cost of Fashion

 Going on A trip

Or to the party 

Thoughts swirled around

What should I wear

My friends have seen me

In this color and style 

Now it’s time for new set of clothes

Let me go and shop for few

I can’t just wear same as before

My pictures are on social media everywhere

And I don’t want to look so same 

Inner insecurities  make me feel lame 

I shop instead  this lovely dress

Lovely shoes, lovely jacket

And some makeup to go with the whole

Now I feel comfortable and whole

And that’s a truckload of pollution I bring

And some cancer strains for your and my kids

As someone is definitely getting affected by my actions

And as a rule there will be some reaction

Laughing with my friends while partying

Self indulgent and irresponsible is what I am being

I ignore the reality since I can 

Karma is smiling saying maybe in this lifetime 


Monday, December 6, 2021

Oh Self Righteous self

 Oh me and mine

Oh Self righteous self

Are you truly light

As light has no need

To prove itself

My education

My achievements 

My goals and dreams

All can be path

To know higher self

Like a resource of a kind

Yet hey self righteous self

You need to understand

That those that you say 

uneducated, unemployed

In your definition 

Lazy or not kind

Are still divine

Standing in their own light

Figuring there own Karma

And if they are not indulged 

In similar ways as you

Still doesn’t make them 

Any less than you

As in this lifetime

They are experiencing something else

And you may choose a lifetime

Or may have chosen already in the past

That is similar to them

And that does not make you or them -bad or good

These are just experiences

At higher self

We all are divine

And when this nonjudgmental self flows

When this unconditionally shows

In our acts of being

Something much bigger comes along

And that is love

That is kindness

That is strength in unity

That is higher consciousness 

- praj101 ( from the guidance of spirit guides) 

Thursday, December 2, 2021


 Sitting in a circle

With a group called dear-ones

Speaking from heart

Yet not from soul

A way to feel self

Better than those not there

Speaking with judgement 

About those 

And time has gone

And so is energy 

Behind this 

Idle chatter

Yet,  a karmic implication 

Of each word as vibration

And a lesson of action 

Waiting to reveal

As when we judge

We need to experience 

The similar conditions and situations 

Faced by these

This karmic wheel

Moves on and on

Till we learn 

To be non-judgemental 

Instead, Speak own truth

Infront with transparency 

And that becomes a opinion

Not a gossip 

As gossip is low vibration

Authenticity is high

That’s where an honest & diplomatic

Dialogue starts

A change of game

A change of Karmic pattern

Now alignment starts

To higher dimension


It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...