Monday, September 17, 2018

Garage sale , Iowa and me

I moved from India to US for education 15 years back and landed in Iowa. In the middle of corns and soya bean fields  and cold and windy weather, my husband and our friends were the only support system I had for first few months. Later spring rolled in and for the first time I saw " Garage sale" sign with balloons on top- Garage Sale: Friday evening and Saturday morning. "Hmm.. what is this garage sale thingy?" I asked my husband. He said, Garage sale is place where people sale their stuff for very small price  and they set it up in their garages and driveways. I liked that.  Coming from India, from middle class background, rupees to dollar calculation had taken over my mind.  I said , "I am all in for cheap price".  Thats when I got introduced to my very first garage sale- a neighborhood garage sale. You can see people sitting in their lawn chairs in driveways, with their friends and families , with all their stuff and a very big inviting smile. Toys, clothes, books, puzzles, bikes, utensils, furniture items, occasionally a decor -you name it ... everything on display. Some people used to have awesome calming music and meticulous arrangement that you will almost get a feel of walking in nice antique shop. Everything had a small price tag (that easily came off post purchase- thats Imp.). Prices for items were varied from house to house. But items were almost always modestly priced. I looked around like a little kid. Things can be affordable in US was such a relief. I think my first purchase was purse for $2... in very good condition. I remember calling my mom back in India and telling her all about this wonderland. Later , garage sales became part of my life . Even when I started working, I will still find joy in buying things from Garage sales. I think thats when I got connected with people. Talking to them gave me feeling of belonging. Garage Sales made me true Iowan. Not just neighborhood people but lot of out siders used to come and buy things that they need. Grandparents with their grandchildren had made significant part of this networking. Grandparent used to get satisfaction from buying all these clothes and toys for their grandkids without emptying their bank and the little ones would be always hopping around holding hands enjoying this shopping experience. Some kids also used to get their entrepreneur lessons by selling their toys and clothes and earning their well deserved cash. I remember setting my own garage sales few times in later years especially after having my first child. Getting lot of good working condition toys for cheap price and selling things that we don't need  was win -win situation.
We moved to North Carolina few years back and I missed Iowa and it's Garage Sale culture. In this big city in NC, Garage sales is such a rarity. We were in good financial condition by then and for first few times I even tried to explain myself  "who needs cheap stuff anymore". Honestly, in back of my mind I still missed it. Getting good condition toys and books for a buck or two,  talking and connecting face to face with people, earning little cash.... I missed everything. Now, we sale stuff on e-bay or Craigs list that we want to get rid off and rest of the stuff goes to Goodwill. Its OK. However, I truly miss the fun , the vitality of Garage sale.  
As time rolled, I totally forgot about "garage sales". After researching, listening and reading as all the curious minds do to improve their lifestyle I started learning about minimalism and organized lifestyle. I started thinking hard about Global warming and its effect on mankind and about how I can leave small foot print on the world. This gave me purpose and direction.  This changed my mindset and my relationship with things. One thing led to another and recently me and my like minded friends started "Declutter group" on whats app. And one of the participants came up with this wonderful  idea of "Neighborhood Garage Sale". My mind raced back to Iowa, it's people and wonderful time that I spend their . I thought these Iowans are  so smart. They already knew a way of connecting human to human, recycling things to save planet earth, decluttering their homes and earning some cash while doing all that . All of this can be achieved just by doing "Garage sales". I know my mom and my mother -in-law has said so many times before that they wished "Garage Sale"  existed in India. I always tell them ,,its possible... you start one and people will follow. I think the concept" Garage Sale" is so worth exploring by everyone in the world. Perfect way to connect and recycle.  I love you Hawkeyes...  

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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...