Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Me and My Eye glasses

 I was one of few who had eyeglasses as a sixth grader. It was one of those things that I remember feeling brave accepting it as a fact of life. Of course I was not happy about it. What if I forget them somewhere? This fear never came to life though as I would scramble in blurriness without them. In college,  I suddenly had this increased awareness of my "looks" and eyeglasses became an unwanted burden. Somehow I thought I look unattractive in them.  I  suddenly started eating too many carrots and doing eye exercises but all was in vain. My eyesight never changed. I remember my mom saying to me to keep my expectations modest when it comes to marriage as I have eyeglasses and to-be-grooms can be picky about it. In bio-data of marriage bureau, there was special column that I checked stating " I use eyeglasses ".  Apparently, that lowered my "value" in marriage market or so I thought. Overall, eyeglasses had been always some unwanted part of my life.
As time passed I became OK with them and since last 10 years or so I hardly gave them any thought . They are just part of my life. I wear contacts in family and friend gatherings to look "attractive". My eyesight remained stable throughout years and never gave me any trouble. So far so good....till a week ago. I started having soreness around eyes  and having unexplained headache especially when I look at computer screen.  I went to ophthalmologist today expecting bad news and unexpectedly she said that my eye-sight has improved. WOW . How did this happen? Maybe I won't have eyeglasses after all  in  future. Or maybe this is journey towards farsightedness. Who knows. ..However, for the first time today, I really don't care as long as my headache stops. I don't have any problem with my eyeglasses. I am grateful that they exist and because of them I can see clearly. In my "Things to be grateful list"  the person who invented eyeglasses gets a very special Thanks.. I am forever grateful!- praj101 

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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...