Saturday, November 24, 2018


I started working in the acute care hospital in Iowa couple of months before I met Carey.  She was on maternity leave at that time when hospital hired me to work as a Physical Therapist. It was my very first clinical job in US. I was going through neophobia- a weird mixture of anxiety, shyness, intimidation and sensory overload just to interact and adjust in new place. I had theoretical knowledge but lack of experience and trying to figure out too many things at once caused unease inside me. I had  definite support from my colleagues but I was needier than that I guess. It was hard for me to open up and relax at work. Everyone sensed my timidness and some coworkers were even very upfront  about my lack of competence. I was crying like a coward at home and thinking about even leaving my job. I was going deeper in my fear-cocoon. 
One day as I entered our Rehab office in the morning there was big sign on the board- WELCOME BACK CAREY. Everyone was cheerful. I had heard a lot about Carrie in last two months. Whenever I hear about how great she was I would feel a slightly more inadequate/ inferior than her. I thought I would be practically non-existent when she arrives. I don't remember my first few encounters with Carey. May be I was too self-absorbed in my own grief or ignorance. But soon enough as we started working together I slowly understood why everyone was so crazy about her. 
Carey-Six feet tall  with strong mid-westerner built and upright posture -she can capture anyone's glance effortlessly. Her ample curly hair used to  twirl around her shoulders which were always kept in place with an elegant hairband. Carey had beautiful deep blue eyes with mischievous twinkle in it.  She would walk leisurely with her big strides in our acute hospital floors and her contagious laughs would make everyone feel upbeat. Joking around with patient and staff  equally she was someone filled with life- best combo of energy and humor. 
Carey was  mother of two with second being just an infant. She used to tell lot of funny stories about her family life which will suggest that she has a lot in her plate. She used to portray herself as someone full of faults - just a regular human being trying to make ends meet. Her openness made me feel very comfortable. She used to call herself " drama queen" with lots of her own quips. She was just way too funny. Maybe that is why everyone craved for her company. But that was just one part of  "Why we love Carey” equation.
 Carey was an awesome therapist. I remember she had  in-depth knowledge of her patients medical history. She would make quick connections from all clinical presentation and patient comorbidities  to see overall big picture. She was ready to brainstorm any new ideas regarding patients treatment plan and would think outside the box. Her practical all rounded approach towards patients  well-being was meticulous and was admired by nurses, physicians and surgeon alike. She was a solid connection between all disciplines involved. 
Carey always used to treat her sub-ordinates with respect and dignity giving equal weightage for their efforts.  She was very down to earth in spite of being a lead acute Physical therapist. She would consider and appreciate every one's help and was ready to question authorities for what is right. So all in all Carey was awe-inspiring therapist. 
But for me, she was more than all of  that. Carey happened to be my angel- pulling me out of my depressing cocoon. She was my miracle that I needed the most when things were dark for me. Carey made an effort to talk to me even when I did not show much interest in the beginning . She would get me involved in conversations regarding patient care or  about our  day-to-day life. She would ask me for my opinion that lead me to do some of my well directed research and in turn improved my understanding of the subject matter. If I came up with any new/effective ideas,  she will praise me in front of everyone acknowledging exactly what I did making sure I get the credit . She taught me well rounded practical application of my theoretical knowledge. Carrie was a successful giver. She was generous,empathetic with superior knack of understanding people's emotions.  She gave so much without asking anything back in return. She enjoyed life to the fullest and made sure that life around her would blossom as well. Carey became my inspirational model that I wanted to copy and follow. 
I left my acute care hospital job to take care of my baby after 3 years. In those three years I think I was a completely changed person. A confident therapist who was friends with all her colleagues. I was truly part of an awesome team enjoying every part of my work.
While working in my next therapy job in another facility my manager called me for an yearly review. My manager told me story about one of my collegues. My collegue was working for last six years in this facility and was shy, defensive and dissatisfied in her job. My manager said that she wants to give me credit to pull her out of her sadness. She is enjoying her job now. My heart was beating faster with joy.  I said with wet eyes and a big smile, " I am just paying it forward". -praj101

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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...