Thursday, April 25, 2019

Being beautiful- blah blah

I used to look OKAY . And I tried and tried some more you know just usual stuff- getting old chronologically , having kids,  having job and the hormones-oh yes- those crazy hormones..  And now, after so much “hard work”... I just got little uglier?-older. Thank you very much! Appreciate your compliment. I don’t know why world gives so much importance on being beautiful? Means I get it as a teenager or while finding a soulmate . Ya - you feel beautiful inside and out . First love etc etc. yes I get it. But still .. why is it so bothersome to look little less of that. Trust me- I am asking this question to myself. Aren’t I am more mature, more intelligent. I am definitely earning more than at age 20 . And raising kids is not a joke. Then , when I feel bad about my looks then why on earth everyone tries to tell me that I am still beautiful?  I mean Thanks! But you know what- I own a mirror and I know exactly how I look compared to my twenties. So ya. I look older . And you know what . That’s cool.  It’s not that big deal really if we stop attaching so much importance to beauty . Now, I know half of you will come marching with a stance all about inner beauty etc etc. However, honestly, no one has said to me when I forget something to do that oh don’t worry honey you are still beautiful. Maybe you may say it’s early onset dementia but you won’t connect that quality to beautifulness. Or even further, If I say,I have wrinkles under my eyes- which I do-you won’t say that you are still beautiful- just inwardly.  Therefore,  this inner beauty won’t rhyme with what actually goes around in conversation. It’s almost always about looks. Next time when a woman  who feels sad about her beauty start whining  - I wish another courageous and honest friend should tell her- chill girl . Age is just a number  and beauty is overrated. . If someone tells this woman that this is just God given or genetically designed phenomena then maybe she will stop worrying about her not so imp looks. Maybe She will more focus on running a marathon and building her muscles and eating healthy to feel good inside-out instead of layering herself with so many makeup layers and going to shopping malls weekends after weekends. How about glamorizing no make- up work days. “Show your puffy face”  competition. I know, I will win. . The best part of looking little older, just natural  is you just start caring less and less about what others think. Now of course doing exercise and eating healthy is still important part of lifestyle and you may end up looking good and definitely feeling good. And of course you can wear all those beautiful dresses that you enjoy wearing. But Please don’t be obsessed about vanity . Maybe I am part of this problem and I have felt vulnerable and I have used significant amount of my own head- space and that’s why this blog.  And therefore I have accepted myself as middle age  woman - I won’t even call myself beautiful as it really doesn’t matter. Facial beauty is just one minor and not so imp aspect of my life. I will not allow myself and anyone else get me down because of it. And that’s why I won’t mind getting little “ uglier” . “ Praj you look older and uglier “. “ ohh Thank You very much! That’s very sweet and honest of you. Same to you.” See not very hard being honest right. Are you crazy? It’s freaking hard. Well , I won’t say it to anyone. Easier to write on a blog. We all logically know that looks are all genetics and age is just a number. But have you seen some crazy beautiful women who would spend hours thinking about how to upgrade their version. It’s mind boggling. Looking natural does not take any hard work. It only needs simple things such as focusing solely on comfort, convenience and simplicity. Feeling good where you are. Have you ever felt the cruelty of looking gorgeous- all decked up - all the time? It’s inhuman.  The burden of looking great is so darn difficult. High heels with plater facilities and sore back-have you tried this combo? It’s not even funny. Can you imagine circus of putting moisturizer then primer then foundation then bronzer then God knows what..BS. Looking so called flawless ( actually hiding all the flaws) is just so much tedious . You know without all those chemicals on my face my skin breathes pure oxygen .  Yes - yes- I know.  Sometimes it feels good to be perfectly dressed and pretty for get-togethers , potlucks and birthday parties etc etc and one may feel like one has  to look beautiful and that’s OK. But looking “ natural” should be next cool thing, too. No self body shaming( so hard). And of course not allowing anyone else to cross that line  of body shaming you.  For further tips- just ask yourself - a perfectly comfortable and self assertive you- And then give me some tips too.. :)

1 comment:

  1. I liked, 'being beautiful etc. etc' Prajakta.
    Afterall, beauty is something which is not just to be seen with open eyes but with closed eyes too !


It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...