Sunday, April 14, 2019

Speak Up- Step Up

Life is good for me - life is glowing
Work-Home -Kids everything is growing
Nothing needs a change as cash is flowing
Stop- watch- Ignore as time is not slowing

Logic says what happens around is not always right
Heart aches with pain but who has time to fight
I just want ordinary ups and downs
My family is OK - so no time to frown

Money, status, degrees I carry them in my pocket
My kids pictures are nicely tucked in my locket
I don’t go for any climate change marches
‘Woman’s  equality’ feels like too many emotional charges

I stand back and relax, no need for bigger purpose
I am doing my job - no need for any surplus
I live with hope that bad things won’t happen to me
I feel entitled for good- as I am good human being

But one day my neighbor’s kid walks into the door
He is crying as he has heard a racial slur
My friend’s daughter is devastated for life due to rape
And other one has a cancer and don’t know what’s her fate

One city with drought has no water for drinking
The other one somewhere is flooded and sinking
Someone that I know is living in one of them
But that’s not my family so I will wait instead

I will wait and wait like an obedient servant
Maybe I will live my life acting as an ignorant
It will be easy to blame God or anyone else other than me
I will gossip with my friends about how things should have been

A purposeless unfortunate life is what will it be
Will my kids think me as a coward, selfish and ugly
How will I feel on the deathbed at the end of it all
I could have taken action but I just waited and stalled

Or maybe I will speak up against any injustice
Maybe I should take a stance instead of being static
Maybe taking action is what will give me hope
Even if I will be scared to walk this tight rope

Will others hold my hand as I extend one of mine
Will I step forward instead of staying back in line
Will it be all worth to speak up for what’s right
Will it make the future for next generation bright

I know I will always make a choice in my life
Will I stay put or  step up to cross the comfort line
Will I live with a vision bigger than just me
Will I try to be the person that I envision to be

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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...