Friday, April 12, 2019

Being Husband and Wife

Being in a marriage as a husband and wife
You have to keep all the accounts tight
Who does exactly what and when
Do you remember the details when you argue or fight?

Who Pick up and who drop off kids?
Who cooks and clean after the meals?
Who folds the laundry and pick up dishes?
Who Watches ESPN while paying the bills?

Who fixes things and pay all Taxes?
Who follows up with car service appointments?
Who does all the picking up and tidying?
Who bakes while doing online streaming?

Counting who does what for kids - Super Rude
Yet there are too many Doctor visits involved
Birthday parties are on every weekend
And transport back and forth from thousand activity-classes

Now I know after being married for so long
That marriage occasionally becomes a quirky business
Keeping accounts is not so flashy
But neither things are all the time perfect

Of course not in your home Oh dear
Your marriage is a beautiful meticulous heaven
Where husband and wife are adorable bunches
Loving and kind- oh so naive and oh so even

This happens only in those homes like mine
With ordinary life full of pluses and minuses
Sometimes hugs and kisses-  XOXO
And sometimes headache keeping “ who does what” balances

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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...