Tuesday, December 29, 2020

No wonder India has high rape rate

 As a daughter you are taught that parents are there for you

As a wife you are taught husband is there for you

As a mother you are taught your son is there for you 

No wonder India has high rape rate

Son doesn't take care of his parents

Who to blame? daughter- in- law

When you don't care for your parent

Who you blame? sister-in-law

When you can't bear a child

Even when the anatomical problem is in your husband

Who society blames? "you" as a wife

And when your husband has an affair

Well, something maybe wrong with You

And when you have an affair

Then something is definitely wrong with you

And just in case if you are not married, you are lesbian or something away from norm

The society wants to "fix" you

It never leaves you to be by yourself to grow-to enjoy- to laugh 

Every step of the way what society "teaches" you

Especially those men and women -who have everything laid perfect for them

Or who pretend to be on some higher moral ground

That You are at fault

 You are the Fault

With each Fear in your mind- You crush your first chakra

With each Guilt that society puts in you- you crush your second chakra

With each shame society puts in you- you crush your third chakra

As Society makes sure it remains that way

Making you some Goddess for name sake

And when you try to stand against these crazy societal norms

It resist you- as its good for Men to have this world just the way it is 

And then you waste your precious life 

Putting make-up on to make sure you look good - in societies eyes

You work hard to make sure you come across strong

As you have to prove to yourself and someone else

That you are worthy

As your worth depends on someone else

No wonder India has high rape rate

- praj101

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Dancing with you

Cardio is not what I want -you know So strength training is what I do Yoga mat and I have a meditation binge I jump on the trampoline slow You come over and start a song on my phone And give me a wicked smile Hold on my hand and bring me close And then we dance in style Man, you are my love and show me some more Will follow your lead all the way Put kids to the bed and whisper slowly While playing some silly game Let’s gossip a bit about our lives While sipping on a hot cocoa Put on that music track back on And let’s dance to the beat some more 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

I Once Thought...

I once thought that I was in stress

Stress that was created by friction within

But I am subject to what I hold in my mind

So I am not subject to that

I once thought I was a victim

A victim of situations that life created

But I am subject to what I hold in my mind

So I am not subject to that

I once thought I was not good enough

By giving importance to other's opinions

But I am subject to what I hold in my mind

So I am not subject to that

I study and  learn and create and grow

As I am an infinite being

I am connected to all with an unconditional love

As I am an infinite being


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Video games and moral ground

When I was a kid we had God's as supreme beings. I heard so many fascinating mythological stories. They were our superheroes per say. Now, in today's age, when everything is "modern" the spirituality is falling behind. But the need for something supernatural, something that we can not see with just our eyes remains in kids. Kids want that "unknown".. supernatural part.  This empty void is getting filled by all these video games that are bright, violent and just not good. These games almost always makes one feel empty with need for more at the end- Let's achieve next level, next game.. be some superstar with no end in sight. In mythological stories there was pure distinction between good and bad behavior. Helping others, being compassionate, loving and kind was good. Standing up against bad was good. Hurting others, being selfish was bad. Simple and clear distinction. Now in these video games, we see these hypothetical people ( that kids things themselves)  killing other people, killing animals and what not and in the process getting hurt themselves ( hypothetically -and really mentally).  And all this is wowed as a fun time. Where is the moral ground? How can these undeveloped minds differentiate between good and bad? Real and unreal?  Where is a basic moral ground? When these video game creators create these games, what moral ground do they create this on? Is it- being creative-of course but what else? Is it earning more money, getting little kids addicted to these games so they watch more and more? And then what? Giving them anxiety? Do these game developers care about what happen to these kids? Our God's and mythological stories did. They cared for us. We always felt supported. We had faith and that faith increased even during tough times. What these kids have- a false sense of superiority?  And what should we do as parents. Its easy to get addicted to internet.... as adults we do. So is it really our kids fault? When my little one throws a fit when his video game or TV turned off .. it makes me worried. When kids try to find different ways to get on internet and watch stuff in spite of us putting all the possible password locks... it makes me worried. It is my responsibility as a parent to take care of my kids. At the same time we need societal structure where morality is cherished and instilled in each and every level. I will never change the internet world where all these things are available. So here is my earnest request to all those video game developers- make something better. Make things that are not only entertaining but also has potential to improve our kids life and improve their sense of belonging and connection. I am not against video games ( well I am but that ship has sailed..). How about game where you help others and you get points. You stay calm  and you get points... whatever coins/hearts/ magic wand etc. that you want. Selflessness and giving food/ clothes to others will make you earn point. Healthy boundaries and teaching to speak up against violence and injustice gives you points. Showing you are connected with others and making these beautiful connections will make kids earn points. Show them how we all are connected. Show them how to be compassionate and kind... through your video games. And also show them limits.. may be an hour on video game and you turn it off and now you get maximum points. If you develop something like this... with love and compassion in your heart... I will be ever grateful!

Friday, December 4, 2020

Culture of Logic

Culture of Logic

We may call it a perfect society

A society of smart intellectual beings

Logic prevails more than simple intuition 

Dreams are just an element of the sleep

The hunches and the visions and all the gut feelings

Do not stand test of our analytical minds

“That was just a coincidence” is a beautiful phrase

As everything has to map in linear lines   

All “woo- woo” things, let’s shove them out of sight

Properness  of our thoughts is our left-brain’s pride

Or are we even open enough to look beyond 

Where we investigate this sixth-sense side

Where chants, spirituality and humming with mantras 

and ancient healing practices will be studied and appreciated

Divine beings, visions, Chakras and spirit guides 

can we see them through some cool electronic gadgets

Where  “ golden ratios” of inner mind will get the applaud

And biofield energies is what scientist will analyze

Mental health will get a much needed attention

Hypnotherapy and meditation is what Doctor’s will prescribe

Can we put emphasize on body, spirit and mind

And look at it’s Intricately woven design

Can our intellect supports this third dimensional goodness

Are we ready to explore beyond our logical mind


Tuesday, December 1, 2020


I know change is good for me

I know I am all ready for it

Still their is this unseen resistance

As if something within me dies .. 

Even if I know staying the same is unhealthy 

I still feel this resistance is mine...

Have you come across something similar

Deep hidden inside us

That is so hard to give away

The suffering says - since you resist 

I am here to stay

And I resist this feeling of guilt and shame 

I resist this resistance within myself

And the more I resist the more stronger it becomes

I think that’s how this inner resistance works

So here I say- I respect you from within

I observe you objectively as feelings and sensations 

Won’t label you as ether good or bad

I will stay with you without any expectations 

As a compassionate friend - as an outside observer 

And as I observe I see with some clarity

That you may have some higher purpose that’s beyond me to understand 

But one thing for sure 

As I surrender and let go

You are no longer resistance 

You slowly dissolve into something anew

Empty space with simple awareness 

Resistance- where are you my friend? 

I change my perception and I feel Zen


It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...