Tuesday, December 1, 2020


I know change is good for me

I know I am all ready for it

Still their is this unseen resistance

As if something within me dies .. 

Even if I know staying the same is unhealthy 

I still feel this resistance is mine...

Have you come across something similar

Deep hidden inside us

That is so hard to give away

The suffering says - since you resist 

I am here to stay

And I resist this feeling of guilt and shame 

I resist this resistance within myself

And the more I resist the more stronger it becomes

I think that’s how this inner resistance works

So here I say- I respect you from within

I observe you objectively as feelings and sensations 

Won’t label you as ether good or bad

I will stay with you without any expectations 

As a compassionate friend - as an outside observer 

And as I observe I see with some clarity

That you may have some higher purpose that’s beyond me to understand 

But one thing for sure 

As I surrender and let go

You are no longer resistance 

You slowly dissolve into something anew

Empty space with simple awareness 

Resistance- where are you my friend? 

I change my perception and I feel Zen



It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...