Saturday, January 23, 2021

Curiously cozy

Tucked away in a corner

Engulfed in a story of sorts

My books and I 

Are inseparable consorts 

And those are the perfect days

Of  calm and quiet times

When I read and read some more

Indulging in me-times

Lazy morning of weekends

And late late at nights

Books take me wherever 

In creatively dreamy heights 

An invisible force in-between 

Attachment seeping in

A story holding us together

Like a magnetic pull within 

And I should say this atlas 

With a great well-read peace

Curiously cozy at heart

Books are splendid indeed


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

I miss those days and I miss you

Waiting in my balcony -waiting for your call
And running downstairs to give you hi-five
Holding your hand and chatting all the way
At school, in the classes and back at home again
Meeting in the square to share all the buzz
And laughing out loud for God only knows what
Caring for each other with all the good and the bad
You were my world - my friend- an angel that I got
So now when we are miles and miles away
I miss you and I miss those days


Friday, January 8, 2021


Rise and shine and run and squat

Sweat is swirling yet there is no stop

You set up your mark

And a crisp focus 

A heart of steel

You are an Athlete 

With each breath you take you breath determination

With each leading foot you bleed honored passion

With each muscle fiber and each mitochondria

You are an Athlete - an iron fist

A show of strength with a limitless will

Disciplined mind and commanding seize

A powerful and gracious soul- You are

You are an Athlete

Sunday, January 3, 2021

It’s a Beautiful Day- I say

 It’s beautiful day 

I say- it’s a beautiful day

A book in my hand and no one around 

A dull achy sky and a muffled afternoon 

And no care for the world- no plans for the day

It’s a beautiful day - I must say

The slippery rain and house is messy 

Warm cozy blanket makes me even more lousy 

And that’s just perfect -as that’s what I say

It’s a beautiful day

A spiraling mystery with a touch of a romance 

Misty rainfall and a muddy aftermath

Just laying here next to a dull window 

Me and my book and that’s all- I say

It’s a beautiful day


Friday, January 1, 2021

Pressure cooker and Whistle

When we meet with grief and sorrow
Or we feel anger or shame
We feel that uneasy feeling within
And that's when we seek the support that we need

We feel the pain and we share it with others
We cry to release that pent up emotion 
That just feels good ...isn’t that right
As that's the need of that situation

And we feel better as burden is lifted 
And we move forward in our life with grace
But sometimes we feel still stuck inside  
So we talk about it one more time

And then it may just become a pattern
Of building and releasing an emotional cry
And we release that pressure again and again 
Like a pressure cooker with whistle to sigh

Or here is our chance to quickly shift gears
When we bring faith instead of fear
When we know higher purpose exist
And we approach life with an energetic shift
No energy is good or bad - we say
Let’s get rid of excess and strengthen the weak
Balance chakras, meridians and bio-energy fields 
Correct the energy flow within

Feel meditative peace and transformation 
As we are an infinite beings
Need to vent vanish as we flow
As we are an infinite beings
 Praj 101

It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...