Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Soul Stories

 * though most stories are real to a slight extent, most parts of the stories are changed to create a completely new story with no correlation to living or dead. Any similar occurrence is simply coincidence. This is a work of fiction. 

Neena came to visit me in clinic for her lack of sleep. She said she is feeling stuck with inability to move forward. Investigating further, she stated she is married to her husband for 25 years and now kids are in college. She feels unappreciative. She took care of her family but was never got any respect from her in-laws and close relatives. Her kids ask her husband any career related advice and consider her good cook. Neena was frustrated stating she has double masters and if she wouldn't have stayed back at home to take care of family she would have reached heights in her career. She insisted that she is happy with what she did and has raised two wonderful boys. Yet the feeling of being stuck has never left her. Her intent for therapy was finding peace and improved sleep quality. Neena stated that she meditate regularly and has good exercise routine in place.

 After putting appropriate intent for sound therapy session, I started assessing her chakras and meridians. Excess energy was found in earth element and depleted energy in the wood element. The overall drive to take action was gone and attitude of being a victim was set in. Her first three chakras along with fifth chakra were blocked. 

After completing sound therapy session, Neena felt surge of energy. Balancing her chakras and adding element of wood energy gave her sense of purpose. I gave her sound therapy homework. I asked Neena if she wants to find out about her Soul strengths in Akashic records. She agreed.

Neena and I had Zoom session after 3 days. Here is what was found in records. Neena's soul group is intelligent and wise and is action driven. Her soul group is a deliberate decision maker. Neena;s strength is in her ability to manifest things. If she would have worked, if she would have taken action towards her own financial freedom, she would have been aligned with her soul strength. Neena interjected stating she is very proud of taking care of her kids and feels she has manifested her Karma beautifully. I insisted that this analysis is not for judging anyone. If she is happy with her choices then she can continue doing things that she feels appropriate. This is just a guidance. Neena calmed down. I also informed her that in her past life she has taken steps against her own desires to appease her parents for their wishes. This choice was not in alignment with her divine center's strength. And she is making such choices lifetime after lifetime. Being loving and kind towards family is great but she needs to take action and manifest. She can ether work to earn money or for charity. She has to have purpose in life that is fulfilling to her. Victimizations is set in as she wants to find someone else to blame for her inaction as that feels easy. But she always has a choice to choose and act. She will align herself towards her divine soul blueprint if she align her choices and act. Most important things is she has to act. only thinking and contemplating won't giver her results.   And since we are in 3D universe, it is universe of Free Will. Nobody else can do things for us. We have to make choices and act ourselves. 

Neena said  that one of her friend is completely happy being a housewife. She gets much appreciation from her family members. I told Neena that each one of us has our own divine strengths. If we align ourselves with our actions we become happy. We attract abundance. We find peace and joy in things that we do. Her friend may have her energy center as a nurturer. When she nurtures she brings joy and happiness for herself and everyone around her. 

Neena decided to work. Her area of interest was exercise and health sciences. She decided to become a Yoga teacher. 


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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...