Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Journey towards 5K

Prepping up for my very first 5K
A trial of “something new” from my side
With unease towards an unfamiliar territory
As running is what I have never really tried

One day out-of-blue, I ran hundred  meters
Thumping in the air -awkwardly yet fine
I thought with a glee -Let’s stack it up a little
Lets run the whole long three plus miles

The dread of defeat -What will others think
The baggage of self-shaming hurt inside
Will I show up -run- feel adrenaline  rush
Or leave the race without even remotely trying

The fear of failure is deeply in-rooted
Has hindered my path before so many times
If I don’t try - I will fail to feel the joy
Want to face challenge -right way this time

Joining a partner with same aspiring journey
The workouts - the nutrition-the whole package as we speak
Connecting with friends - with nature - with self
I wonder what this adventures experience will teach

Picking up this exciting quest in my life
With small ambitious plan- unknown end effect
Embracing the sweat , the pain and the hard work
With appreciating the delights of journey in itself

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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure 👍 here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...