Friday, February 12, 2021

Unique Experience

I did my sound therapy protocol on self. My chakras were balanced. My mind was calm. I went to bed in a peaceful state. I have experienced such calmness lot of times by now. But this experience was unique. Somehow, I did not wanted to think about future or past. I did not wanted to think about present. I did not even wanted to focus on my breath. I was not sleeping. I was just in silence. A deep silence. A truly peaceful state . A feeling of nothingness. It was unique. No need to self talk or self chatter. I think may be as a child we are in this state( I don’t exactly remember). But I don’t think I am in this kind of peaceful state for atleast 2 decades now.  I don’t think I was in this state when we visited famous vacation locations nor when I “ achieved” something. I do try meditation occasionally and I think if I do enough of it I may achieve something similar.  But I know I am not even close. Now, being a very type A personality I am looking for this experience again.. unfortunately my left side analytical brain is not making it happen.. Buddha called this attachment.. attachment for even good things is kind of detrimental. All in all it was a deeply satisfying experience. And when one experiences something like this- the joy is so pure that you reflexively wish everyone to have such peace. So here I put an intent: I wish me, my loved ones, the ones I don’t know, the ones I may not like, all the human beings, all the plant and animal kingdom, all the living beings, all the non- living beings, all the universe -be in such a peaceful state. A state of nothingness. 


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It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...