Friday, September 24, 2021

Nurtured Soul

The path that is outlined

To get the expected gains

Feels like a drought  

With dry soil without rain 

And things are green for others

That I find withered and bleak 

Yet I set in given direction

In hope to blossom free

Still inner calling exist

Nagging with mental fog

Those Judgements of right and wrong

Where my journey gets blocked

So here I take charge 

To nurture my own land

In my unique ways

I take care of  my flower plants

As a ray of light comes through 

To my soul aligned ways

I see authentic purpose

With crystal clear gaze

Like a nurturing shower 

Falling on my garden bed

Soul feels in its heart

A blossom of playful red


Friday, September 17, 2021

And I bounced back

 A deep seated ache 

An energetic confrontation 

And I got side tracked

In lower dimensions 

Heart knew need a change 

From negative thought process

Yet hard to deny and hide

Such unresolved messes

So I got my running shoes

Put my music on

Did some side stretches

And anger was slowly gone

It started with self comfort

How I was right and other is wrong

And I recited so many times

What could have gone wrong

Then I kind of got bored

Of self victimization talk

As music was still buzzing 

And oxygen was gushing on

Running did just wonders

A bounce back from gloomy times

Music helped to elevate 

Just what feels right

Staying upset is exhausting 

When you are doing jumping jacks

And weight of pain has to go

While lifting 10 lbs with squats

With smile, strength and sweat 

I know at the end of it all 

Maybe I will try Vinayasa Flow

Next time when my vibes fall


Does God’s Fury exist?

I remember one story I read on “ Shravani Somvar” or some religious booklet  years back when my MIL said that’s the custom. This religious story was about a woman who had to say repeatedly “ I am not favorite of my in-laws so God please make me favorite”.  Even while saying such self deprecating thing again and again on name of God I was cringing and yet continued because it was I thought religious matter and I better not break any rituals in fear of God’s fury.. or so I was being told. That was then when immature, submissive and fearful part of me did whatever is needed in the name of avoiding “ God’s fury”. I personally feel such are actually psychological manipulations created and perpetuated for benefit of some and sacrifice of others.

There are so many such believes and customs that I don’t agree with. Lot of times woman and for that matter man as well but especially woman gets an advice to “be nice”, to do things for others even if she has to give up her own mental clarity and calm. Being responsible is one thing and participating in other people’s dysfunctional beliefs is other. There is this innate need to pretend “a perfect family”. Some ideal vision that is far from reality. And then with that comes a judgement. A person being so strict/ perfectionist on self expects the same from others. Or even worse, a person with so much imperfection expecting perfections from others.  Society is complicated with so many elements working together that complete harmony is almost impossible. People including me forget that we have polarities within us and all emotions are valid. There is nothing wrong to make mistakes , to get angry, sad etc. I feel what we do with that emotion is more important. If we have to stand up for injustice ( that we perceive) we sometimes have to raise voice. We have to take fury or discomfort of others in return for what we stand. It’s one thing to wish compassion, happiness and unconditional love for everyone and is entirely another thing to have “moral agendas” on the name of achieving these. I feel that it is upon us to pick and choose what is right for us. After all, We have the “ free-will”.

Sometimes injustice walks on in a very subtle way. There are people in the world who drain our energy knowingly. They thrive on manipulation and confusion. Tomorrow if one such person is someone that in societies eyes One of us should respect and obey even if this person is causing much harm to our mental peace then obeying such person out of fear or submissiveness is actually going away from divinity. Standing up for what we feel is right and being rebellious at times if needed is the need of a soul. It’s a learning of a soul. Once we start weeding out things and for that matter people that are not right for us we are making more room for things and people that are right for us. It’s not that we are questioning and judging others , it’s more that we are taking out fear or any such disharmonious energy from within us. This is what a polarity of destruction is (what God Shankar represents in my opinion ). To create harmony we have to deal with disharmony. To create peace, we have to embrace anger. To create love , we have to recognize things that do not represent love and introspect on what needs to be done. 

God, in my own perception Of course, doesn’t want us to just recite religious mantras and use religion as escapism. Honestly, I feel God loves us just the way we are without any judgement whatsoever. But the whole point of physical incarnation is to take action. With action we create Karma.. And even with inaction we create Karma ..

God’s fury in my humble opinion doesn’t exist. There is no right or wrong way. There is just a way . We have to choose which one to take and yes there will be consequences.  We will eventually learn from our experiences and may go towards more Just society.  But that will happen without any judgement or fury from God!


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Vision board

Got my vision

Got my board

Magazine cutouts

And a pen-paper-words

Garden of blooms

And a family on Cruise 

A mediation hall

With Sound Therapy tools

A female entrepreneur 

With a strong earthy hold

And a lady working out

With eyes so bold

A sweet family picture

Happy faces with smile

And outpouring blessings 

From a Temple of Divine

Empowering words

Nudging me to action

Encouraging images

Vision of perfection


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Meditation Binge

 The fault of poor habits 

Leading to chaotic times

When I binged watch Netflix 

And had sleepless nights 

On top of that I carried guilt

And headache with pressure tight 

And never learned a lesson

To you know “act right” 

Yet an Angel called on the other day

“Free Will-use it as you wish” she said

Burden of judgement was suddenly gone

And somehow that took away Netflix charm

So I started to meditate as that feels like a challenge

First was just me and my monkey mind

But as I stayed as if Binging on meditation

OMG so many enigmatic things I find

Akashic records are the best of these treasures 

Keepers of the light are always on my side

Crystal healing and Reiki give uplifting push

And best part is channeling my own spirit guides

Love and light and universal connection 

Exploring these dimensions from within

A mystery after mystery and not even fiction 

Meditation is so much better than  Netflix times

Never thought spirituality can also be “thrilling”

A  ladder to go close to my own inner radiance

And connecting the dots to understand self at soul level

Becoming a detective to find divine gradients


It was not that bad

Bye  Let’s start what happens next ?  We will meet for sure ЁЯСН here or in afterlife and I am not going anywhere and so are you.  Yet time is...